love in the heart,brightness in the eyes

AFAS footprint PHC foundation

To be the Africa’s leading healthcare foundation from Asia

what we do

our vision

Improving primary health care in Africa

our mission

Make health care affordable for everyone service

Our Promise

love in heart brightness in eyes

We have nearly 30,000 patient visits each year and we're still growing.

The medical market in Africa presents significant growth opportunities, but it is important that governments, healthcare providers, and international investors work together to address the challenges in the sector and ensure equitable access to healthcare for all.

Maternal and child health

Poverty, gender inequity, and gender-based violence leave women and girls particularly vulnerable to health complications and illnesses. With a holistic approach to health care, and direct engagement with communities, we ensure that girls and women in Africa are safe and healthy their whole lives - so teenage pregnancy, female genital mutilation and child marriage can be prevented, deliveries of babies can be safe for both mother and child, and newborns receive the strongest start in life.

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

42% of the populations located across sub-Saharan Africa do not have access to safe water and it is estimated that water-related illnesses kill more children under five than disease like HIV/AIDS, malaria, and measles combined. Through our Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) projects, we increase sustainable access to safe water and sanitation facilities in schools, and poor rural and urban communities through building facilities and water points, paired with training and education.

Education & capacity building

Health workers are important stewards of a community's health. We build the capacity of new health workers and upgrade the skills of existing ones at all levels: community health workers, youth advocates, clinical officers, nurses,midwives, lab technicians and more. To ensure sustainability, we also advocate to Ministries of Health to further investin health worker training, so that it continues long after we are gone.

Medical Outreach

We bridge important gaps in care through our range of outreach services that provide patients with quality medical care. Some of the services we provide include but are not limited to: providing free surgical care, monitoring noncommunicable diseases, and providing diagnostic services through laboratories. By addressing these gaps, we build reliable health systems that can treat patients with quality care, especially in some of the poorest and most marginalized rural and urban communities.

Our Projects

A snapshot of the work our donors make possible. AFAS footprint PHC foundation implements over 150 projects throughout the continent.

30 May 2020
We Consult Recently Married Couples

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30 May 2020
Always in Harmony with Inner Self

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30 May 2020
Happy Child is a Top Family Priority

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30 May 2020
How to Find Support Among Strangers

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30 May 2020
Reaching Beyond Your Comfort Zone

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30 May 2020
Always in Harmony with Inner Self

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Let's Start

To be the Africa’s biggest healthcare foundation from Asia

Overall, the medical market in Africa presents significant growth opportunities, but it is important that governments, healthcare providers, and international investors work together to address the challenges in the sector and ensure equitable access to healthcare for all.
