People in rural communities, like ours, have virtually no access to medical specialists, with only a handful in the entire country and those residing in city centers. When doctors complete their internships and are sent into the field to work, they typically find themselves trying to treat the sickest of patients without specialty training and without the professional support of seasoned colleagues. This happens after just 5 years of medical school and a one year internship. The same goes for nurses fresh out of nursing school, who very often find themselves caring for patients who would be in an ICU in the developed world.
Providing our healthcare workers with continuing medical education opportunities, and professional support is central to AFAS’s mission.
From the beginning, we have endeavored to equip our Tanzanian doctors and nurses with the knowledge, skills and resources they need to serve their patients well. Today, AFAS takes a four-pronged approach to continuing education, including a rigorous on-campus training program, an overseas medical volunteer program, an online specialty consulting program, and a selective scholarship program for AFAS employees.
Capacity building 4 pronged approach
1.On-Campus Training Program
AFAS provides on-campus, multi-day trainings related to the most pressing needs of our patients. Trainings have covered everything from the management of chronic diseases to trauma response and palliative care.
2.On-Campus Volunteer Program
This program is a rich and collaborative learning experience for both our Tanzanian team and volunteers. It fosters an exchange of knowledge and a sharing of expertise as our volunteers work side by side with members of our Tanzanian team.
3.Online Consulting Program
Overseas online consultants share their time and expertise with our team as well. Our consultants have saved the day numerous times, providing life-saving information via email case conferencing and digital images.
4.AFAS Scholarship Program
Our program provides continuing education to AFAS staff who have demonstrated a commitment to patient centered care and serving rural communities. Thus far. 13 staff members have benefitted from the program, training in the US or abroad to advance their skills